Table. 4.

The Moderating Effect of Coworker Support on Customer Violence Experiences and Mental Health of the Study Population

Variables Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4

B SE β t B SE β t B SE β t B SE β t
(Constant) 14.87 0.17 85.50*** 14.86 0.17 85.46*** 14.69 0.17 86.27*** 14.70 0.17 86.31***
Age (ref.:≥60) 0.89 0.13 .06 6.94*** 0.89 0.13 .06 6.96*** 0.78 0.13 .06 6.20*** 0.77 0.13 .06 6.18***
Education leve (ref.: ≥college) -0.69 0.09 -.07 -7.46*** -0.69 0.09 -.07 -7.42*** -0.50 0.09 -.05 -5.52*** -0.50 0.09 -.05 -5.51***
Type of employment (ref.: regular worker) 0.16 0.11 .01 1.42 0.15 0.11 .01 1.39 0.30 0.11 .02 2.72** 0.30 0.11 .02 2.73**
Income level (ref.:≥400) -0.44 0.13 -.03 -3.35** -0.44 0.13 -.03 -3.33** -0.27 0.13 -.02 -2.11* -0.27 0.13 -.02 -2.12*
Working hours (ref.:≤40) -0.63 0.09 -.06 -7.08*** -0.63 0.09 -.06 -7.06*** -0.57 0.09 -.06 -6.58*** -0.57 0.08 -.06 -6.57***
Customer violence experiences (C) -0.41 0.17 -.02 -2.41* -0.36 0.17 -.02 -2.16* -0.34 0.17 -.02 -2.02*
Coworker support (S) 1.28 0.05 .21 24.60*** 1.27 0.05 .21 24.56***
Moderating variables (C×S) 0.60 0.21 .02 2.90**
F (p) 49.96*** 42.61*** 124.59*** 110.13***
R2 .02 .02 .06 .06
Adj. R2 .02 .02 .06 .06

*p<.05, **p<.01, ***p<.001.

Korean J Occup Health Nurs 2023;32:121~129
© Korean J Occup Health Nurs