Table. 3.

Comparison of Mental Health according to the Study Population’s Characteristics (N=13,682)

Variables Categories M±SD t or F or r p Post-hoc
Customer violence experiences No 14.8±4.80 2.46 .014 -
Yes 14.4±5.13
Gender Male 14.7±4.92 -1.02 .307 -
Female 14.8±4.75
Age (year) 15~19a 15.8±4.79 28.05 <.001 a>e, f
20~29b 15.5±4.68 b, c, d>f
30~39c 15.0±4.64
40~49d 14.9±4.75
50~59e 14.6±4.90
≥60f 13.7±5.08
Education level ≤Elementary schoola 13.2±5.40 60.46 <.001 a, b<c<d
Middle schoolb 13.1±4.90
High schoolc 14.4±4.93
≥Colleged 15.2±4.67
Type of employment Regular workera 14.8±4.76 4.22 .015 a, b>c
Temporary workerb 14.7±4.99
Day workerc 14.0±5.40
Working duration <1a 14.6±4.83 2.12 .076 n/a
1~<3b 14.8±4.87
3~<5c 14.8±4.82
5~<10d 14.7±4.82
≥10e 15.0±4.77
Income level (10,0000 won/month) <200a 14.4±4.96 24.43 <.001 a<b<c, d
200~<300b 14.8±4.77
300~<400c 15.1±4.69
≥400d 15.4±4.70
Working hours (hours/week) ≤40a 15.0±4.75 38.26 <.001 a>b>c
40~≤52b 14.5±4.78
>52c 13.8±5.26

M=mean; SD=standard deviation.

Korean J Occup Health Nurs 2023;32:121~129
© Korean J Occup Health Nurs